September 22, 2008

My last blog @

Frens, i have move to
See you there :)

September 21, 2008

In the mood for raya 2008 Part 3: Oh wut a day!

Its 3 am in the morning and ive just finished making some nestum cookies.. i tell u what, if u feel like making cookies for raya, this cookies shd be on top of ur list.its easy to make and it taste GREAT!thank you lily for the recipe but Ive got to be honest here that my nestum cookies is not as good as it looks, my oven suddenly buat hal..wut a day..first,my blog n then my oven..urgh..dugaan bulan ramadhan..okay..I really need to doze off..nite!


September 20, 2008

Wut is happening??

My page is not previewing my actual page..all my links,my shoutout,my player,my lagu all started when i wanted to change my layout..n now it all got pls fix this!

September 19, 2008

In the mood for Raya Part 2

Coffee Almond Cookies
Feeling sick does not stop me from making cookies for raya. Today was quite hot and god knows how thirsty i was but at the end of the fasting hours, i can still put a BIG GRIN smile on my face because I am just so grateful that :
1. hubby's plan to go abroad was cancel until after raya..alhamdulillah.
2.managed to puasa although my doctor has advice me not to
3.hubby loves my coffee almond too!yummers!!
Will be making more cookies tomorow. I will try out Lily's recipe Nestum Cookies.OKay..time to terawih..bye!
p/s:meh layan lagu KAK PAH...sudilah rasa kuih ku..pilihlah yang mana satu..


September 17, 2008


Hehehe..ever wonder how you would look like in the 80s,70s,60s or even 50s...check out all my-so-called-oldies-photo collection..i look soooo like MY MOM!



1970 1972 1976

September 14, 2008

In the mood for Raya2008:feeling blue for raya 2008

BBQ @ Raya 2006 with my cousins
BBQ @ Raya 2007 with my best girls, Seela & Seeda

Sayu di hati dengar lagu raya..i feel blue when my mom told me that this year raya is gonna be a bit mellow since my brother may not get to celebrate raya with us due to Nina's best cousin Seeda is celebrating Raya in BJ since its his hubby turn this year (mcm tu la orang dah kahwin..huhu) and my sister Seela will only be back on 3rd Wanyong and her family has got some other plans that they will not balik kg ..same goes with my fave aunty, Wancu has lots of business during Raya so the likelihood she's joining us at kampung is rather slim.

I think i know how my raya gonna turned out this year.
I am now hoping for miracle.

p/s:kesian mak n abah, pagi raya tahun ni bersendirianlah nampaknya...
i miss u seela, alish n seeda :~(
..rindu teluk intan jugakkk


September 13, 2008

Comfort Food for Your Soul - "Jangan Merajuk Wahai Dai'e"

I came across this article of 'Jangan Merajuk Wahai Dai'e' in portal and i know i have to share this article with my blog viewers.. the article is quite long but trust me, it worth reading.A very good reading for the soul...

Hidup ini menuntut mujahadah berterusan. Setiap hari pasti ada sahaja perkara yang perlu di usahakan. Seringkas bangun pagi memerlukan kekuatan menolak keseronokan tidur yang lena. Begitu juga dalam kesungguhan mengulangkaji pelajaran, kesabaran melayani kerenah sahabat handai, hinggalah keteguhan mendirikan Islam dalam diri setiap insan. Inilah kehidupan, tidak lari dari, suka duka, perit jerih, dan susah payah. Apatah lagi bagi tiap jiwa yang dalam sedar berikrar menyerahkan diri mereka kepada Allah, menggelar diri sebagai Dai'e, mengajak jiwa-jiwa kembali tunduk pada Allah yang Esa. Malah mereka lagi perlu menunjukkan kesungguhan dalam tiap perkara, mengelak fitnah menimpa...

Yang pastinya, dalam kesungguhan pasti ada mehnah melanda. Dalam saat seronok mengajak manusia kembali ke jalan Allah, kita terlupa bahawa hati-hati itu ada pemegangnya, yang mengawal tutup buka nya ia. Membuatkan kita kecewa dan putus asa apabila usaha tidak membuahkan hasil seperti yang dijangka. Membuatkan kita terlupa tugas kita hanya pemberi peringatan, sedangkan natijahnya di bawah takdir Allah yang Maha Kuasa. Bak kata pepatah `menabur benih di bumi, hasilnya dari Ilahi'. Di saat hati rajuk, mencari hikmah atas apa yang menimpa, Al-Quran menjadi tempat kembali, isinya penuh istimewa, pasti sesuai di setiap keadaan dan masa. Namun, bergantung kepada kesediaan hati itu untuk mengaitkannya dalam kehidupan, mengambil manfaat dari tiap bait Kalamullah...

Siapa sangka, kisah Nabi Yunus a.s yang tidak selalu diceritakan mampu memberi seribu pengertian dalam kehidupan...
"Nabi Yunus menyeru pada kaumnya
Sembahlah Allah Yang Maha Esa
Tinggallah berhala yang tidak bernyawa
Jauhi perbuatan yang sia-sia
Seruan Nabi tidak diterima Nabi diejek dan Nabi dihina
Baginda tidak berputus asa
Walau dicaci walau dihina
Akhirnya Nabi merasa hampa
Umatnya masih menderhaka
Lalu dia pergi membawa hati Ke tepi pantai seorang diri
Kapal pedagang Baginda menumpang
Membawa diri ke rantau orang
Malangnya laut bergelombang
Hampir karam ditengah lautan
Bila diundi Nabi merelakan
Terjun ke laut penuh bergelora
Baginda ditelan ke perut Ikan Nun
Gelap gelita tidak terkira
Sedarlah baginda akan silapnya
Ditarbiyyah Allah sebegitu rupa
Menangislah Nabi penuh duka
Memohon Ampun dari Tuhannya"

Begitulah kisah seorang Nabi diuji Allah begitu sekali… Wahai Dai'e Rabbani, cukuplah kisah Nabi Yunus a.s pemujuk diri, jangan diikut rajuk di hati, usah dilayan kecelaruan emosi, tergesa-gesa melarikan diri dari situasi. Melangkahlah dengan penuh hikmah dan kesabaran dalam meneruskan da'wah lillahi. Begitulah di kala Nabi Yunus lari dari kaumnya yang ingkar, rasa marah dan kecewa hingga terlupa tugas beliau menyampaikan ajaran yang hasilnya adalah dari Tuhan. Menyoroti kehidupan Dai'e, tidak ubah seperti kisah ini, siapalah kita meletakkan hidayah dihati manusia kerana ia adalah urusan Ilahi, hanya usaha yang akan dipersoalkan nanti. Hadamlah kalam Allah apabila Dia berfirman:

"Dan tidaklah Kami mengutus kamu melainkan hanya sebagai pembawa kabar gembira dan pemberi peringatan. Katakanlah: "Aku tidak meminta upah sedikitpun kepada kamu dalam menyampaikan risalah itu, melainkan (mengharapkan kepatuhan) orang-orang yang mahu mengambil jalan kepada Tuhannya" (Al-Furqan:56-57)

Dalam kegelapan perut ikan Nun, hati Nabi Yunus a.s mulai bergerak bertasbih kepada Allah, memohon taubat kerana putus asa dengan rahmat Tuhannya sambil berkata:

"Bahawa tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah termasuk orang-orang yang zalim" (Al-Anbiyaa':87)

Dengan ketulusan hati berdoa, mengakui kesempurnaan ketuhanan dari sebarang kekurangan dan kelemahan, mengakui kezaliman diri, akhirnya taubat Nabi Yunus a.s di terima. Allah menyelamatkan beliau dari kecelakaan mati di dalam perut ikan Nun kepada kesejahteraan hidup bersama kaumnya yang kembali kepada jalan Ilahi. Dengan rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah, segalanya mungkin terjadi, asalkan hati jernih mengharap redhaNya. Apa lagi yang Dai'e mahukan selain ketenangan dalam kehidupan seharian. Walaupun penuh ujian, hati penuh taubat mengakui kesalahan…

Inilah Dai'e Rabbani, tidak takut menghadapi salah, tetapi lekas kembali kepada Allah yang Maha Pemurah. Memujuk hati mencari hikmah mengakui kelemahan insani. Berbekal ibadat di kala senang, menjadi keselamatan di waktu susah. Tabah dan sabar dalam berdakwah tanpa mengira ketidakberhasilan hidayah, kerana tiap langkah di atas jalan ini adalah kejayaan...
sumber :

Ramadhan Tag from Sis Taty :)

Rules :
1. Copy the smiley picture then post into ur blog… (done)
2. Tag min of 5 other blogger [muslim] yang anda kenal, who will then tag minimumnya pada 5 other bloggers ….
3. Now, I would like to tag the other 5 bloggers.. Salam Ramadhan to :-

1. Yaddie Yad Yad

2. Seeda

3. Qme

4. Lily

5. Hana

September 10, 2008

Something to ponder...

September 8, 2008

Hana n her drawing

Hana showing off her drawing

Hola everyone. Just to share with u on my sweet girl's drawing. Hana is 4 years old and look at her drawing..she drew her family tree perfectly. Can see her Atok, Wan, Mama, Aunty Ezah,Uncle Yad, Bapak,Naufal n Yul...wah uncle yad siap pakai tie cute :)
I just love kids drawing..they r simply so PURE!

September 7, 2008

Marcell - Firasat

To my darling..cepat pulang :`(

September 6, 2008

Earthquake in Uzbekistan..Im so worried

"Honey, only god knows how worried i am although i know it was just a moderate earthquake in Uzbek...I have made some research on things that you should do or should not do during an earthquake. Hope this will help. Oh boy.. I love you and I will always pray for your safety,every night,every day.Pls come home early :( "

Stay inside
1. If you are indoors, duck or drop down to the floor. Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture. Hold on to it and be prepared to move with it. Hold the position until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move. Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, woodstoves, and heavy furniture or appliances that may fall over. Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts. If you are in a crowded area, take cover where you are. Stay calm and encourage others to do likewise.
Stay indoors until the shaking stops and you're sure it's safe to exit. Stay away from windows and doors.
**Never take an elevator
If you are in bed, hold on, stay there, protect your head with a pillow.

Find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, and power lines.
Drop to the ground until the shaking stops.

Personal Safety
Expect aftershocks. Each time you feel one, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON!
Check yourself for injuries. Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdy shoes and work gloves.
Listen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest emergency information.
Check others for injuries. Give first aid where appropriate. Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.

September 3, 2008

im hungry :( not hungry for food but im hungry for love. My love is so sooo far away.. over the sea.. over the ocean...Oh my... im just so down that my darling hubby is not with me now, he's in Uzbekistan for one week or maybe two..depending on the issues of the project. Looks like im gonna do a lot of things alone..break fast alone..terawih alone..go to work oso alone..sleeping oso alone..

huhu... 'minus one' is just the loneliest number :( > :~(

the only thing that makes me happy now is that i get to go home early as 4.30 pm. i usually left abt 5-10 minutes earlier so that i get to reach home by 4.45pm. i so love the smart tunnel, my daily route from bangsar to ampang jaya which will only took me 10 minutes to reach jln tun razak and another 5 minutes to d elevated highway. Yeah..i have to spend a bit on tolls..but come to think of it.. its worth it bcoz i get to save on my petrol+ time + energy.

Opps time out. Need to get ready for solat isyak and terawih ALONE...huhuhu

p/s:I wonder wut my girlss doing this ramadhan


September 1, 2008

The Blessed Month of Ramadhan

The month of Ramadhan, is the best of all months in the estimations of Allah swt. Its days are the best among the days, its nights are the best among the nights, its hours are the best among the hours. During this blessed month of ramadhan, I wish to do a lot of good deeds and also more invocations by completing my Tarawikh Prayers, Insyaallah and recites the Holy Quran more often.
Just to share with you that I am currently helping my parents doing some collection on Fund to build a Mosque in Taman Cicely,Teluk Intan Perak(my hometown). Your donations are all welcome and pls email me at or for those who already knows me, u can reach me at my mobile.
Selamat menjalani ibadah di bulan yg mulia ini!
